Polymer Clay Flowers Project One

I have been admiring Polymer Clay Flowers for awhile now. I really love them and was going to order a few that are really cool looking and in the effort to not have to do it myself was going to go that route. I began to think to myself, “Don’t be lazy, Jessie. Just YouTube it,”.

Google search pulled up tons of videos and tutorials.  I do not think the site is still functional but there are some great tutorials on there like this one for a gorgeous flower.  Plus, this awesome  Faux Vinyl Tutrorial I am trying this weekend and her cane tutorial. I also have my eye on trying to create a bird pendant from a stamp I have. I need all the luck I can get!

I glued myself to different videos and tutorials and finally decided to just take the plunge. I want more realistic looking flowers but not sure how to get those. I could search molds on Etsy, though if I must!

I really like they way they turned out as did my daughter. I used Fimo clay this time instead of the Kato clay and it was a little filmsy and I was worried I didn’t bake it enough but it seemed to harden up a bit overnight. My daughter soon snatched them up and was playing with them. They were really easy to do and I may do a tutorial.  They were so easy!!

Have a Great Weekend and enjoy the Full Moon on Saturday!


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